But you still want some new clothes! My second tip is Clothes Swaps. Clothes Swaps are an awesome way to refresh your wardrobe for free! Organise one with the other parents who have been saddled with summer childcare duties. Go outside your normal networking and link up with some parents from other social groups – this casts the net wider for a more awesome swap. And by more awesome I mean more choice of clothing. And as the host who should get first dips? You. Chuck the kids in the garden with a swingball set and swap til the wine has run out.
But after wearing your free clothes and steering clear of the shops for a bit, your wardrobe has had some hardcore wear. Time for a clear out? Before you start did you know 1.2m tonnes of clothing end up in landfill each year? My third tip is Clothes can be recycled too. Clothes that really are past the point of repair can still be recycled at charity shops. In fact 80% of charity shops accept clothing which is bobbled, full of holes and torn. Just label the bag(s) ‘Rags’ and the charity shop can sell it on to a rag man. See the Charity Retail Association website for more details (http://www.charityretail.org.uk/).
On the clearing out side of things – kids are uncannily stylish in their own little way and give them half a chance they will be brutally honest about what they do and don’t like you wearing. So make an afternoon of it – give them a fashion show, pull out all the items you bought on a whim, spent too much on and have never worn. Get some (free) Trinny and Susannah style advice in the form of your little cherubs. More often than not, they’re right.
The Wardrobe Angel
Stephanie Roper
Time saved, money made ...always something to wear with The Wardrobe Angel
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