You're more likely to get run over by a push bike than a car.
People wait very patiently for a green light before they cross the road, and I'm not sure why. Is jaywalking illegal? Push bikes stop at lights too.
On Friday night we ran into several sound systems. The first was cycling round the city with a band of followers. The second was a very heavy baltic Dj set in a public square. Both were promoting upcoming festivals. The city seemed to take a very liberal attitude towards its youth.
Good design is adopted throughout the city, there's not a pastiche building in sight.
Women and girls are very natural looking, wear trousers and don't flash the flesh. They seem to age more honestly and better. There's no make up or fake tan anywhere.
Older women tend to wear their hair short and undyed. And everyone is slimmer- much less obesity.
Baby's are in rather large pram systems rather than umbrella pushchairs- I guess that's because people tend to walk more or take the car. Although Saturday did seem to be daddy day!
The public transport is ok, but we had trouble with the ticket machines every time- screens not working, printers not working and old daisy wheel printers
On sunday we visited Christiania. a crazy place. It's a rather green part of the city surrounded by water was overtaken by a commune and people live outside the law. There are 3 rules, no photos no guns and no running- it panics people.
The buildings have fallen into disrepair and ramshackle shanti structures have appeared. It's easy to see here, what happens if planning rules don't exist. It's a cross between Camden and a permanent Glastonbury. With a couple of earthships scattered around. Kevin McCloud would be quite happy here. Here's what Wikipedia says...
I sneakily took some Photos as you ca see below.